What we'll do and what we want you to do

What we want you to do:

Organise a live music event between now and Christmas and dedicate it as a New Orleans Musicians Benefit. Let us know when and what it is and we will add it to our press, radio and television publicity materials.

Raise a donation, however small it might be and obtained however you see fit and then make a payment through our Donations page for the amount you raise, which will go direct to New Orleans musicians via the Jazz Foundation of America.

In the New Year, close to February 28th, hold a dedicated NOrMAL event, the Lincolnshire Mardi Gras. We hope to see these in every corner of the Country. Let us know where, when, who and what price and we will add it to our country-wide publicity.

Make a payment through our website, equivalent to at least 50% of the total raised by ticket sales or however people pay for the Mardi Gras event.

Anyone unable to make a credit card payment on the Web should contact us for details of how to pay funds via other routes. Please let us know how much you raise, again for publicity.

Have a good time!

What we will do:

Provide the preliminary structure under the banner NOrMAL.

Provide the coordination required.

Provide publicity materials for the widest possible press, radio and television coverage of the event including your part in it if you let us know about it.

Watch for and react to opportunities, issues and problems in bringing this event about.

Maintain a watching brief on the finance raised.

Liaise with the New Orleans Musicians Clinic on the ground in Louisiana and report back on what we are told.

Maintain communication with and between participants IN A BID TO KEEP MUSIC LIVE IN THE UK.

Further organise live music events in the UK in the near and medium future for the same cause.

Have a good time.